Fulfil your team’s potential with Online Learning

How to achieve productivity in lockdown

It feels like the world is in stasis. Businesses closed, movement restricted, and we are finding our way through a new reality. The overwhelming feeling might be just to ride it out, wait for things to get better. But what if there was an opportunity to use this time productively and come out the other end a more well-informed version of yourself? Ready for the challenges ahead, when life starts trickling, however slowly, back towards our previous normality. Indeed, can we do something to prepare ourselves for a ‘new normal’? Even in usual times, learning should never cease. Lifelong learning keeps us curious and reflective throughout our lives; it means that we are continually adapting and growing to fulfil our potential.  


Developing your professional skills

Having access to short online courses on a wealth of material is an excellent solution for professional people. We have developed a portal where you can access online learning and resources for your business. The SoConnect team has been engaging with the educational content during lockdown, and we have seen the advantages of micro-learning. Far from being just another industry buzz-word, we have found that topics such as IT skills in Office applications, and those of a personal development nature are perfect. You can choose your learning journey, focusing on one aspect to build a meaningful skillset to take forward in your professional career. Although micro-video courses might not be the answer to all of you and your team’s training and development needs, they provide learners with practical and useful skills that they can apply immediately to their current role. Often people will say that bitesize courses are fun and more engaging than other types of educational content (think of that hour-long video on Excel skills, or the 100 slide PowerPoint on business strategy). Don’t worry, there are no exams at the end of the courses either, and you can watch the videos as many times as you like. 


What is included in the SoConnect e-learning portal?

  • Video content that is on average 3 minutes in length
  • Most of our courses have a ’60 Seconds of Genius’ version, which aims to teach the learner the key points in (you guessed it) less than 60 seconds.
  • All of the courses focus on one topic at a time, such as how to create an Excel formula or how to conduct an employee appraisal.
  • A focus on precision learning – the idea that in just three clicks, someone can access the course they are looking for.
  • We group our 3-minute videos so that a learner can consume each piece of focused content in small bitesize mouthfuls. While also navigating through a content pathway to find all of the related content in one place, taking them through it step-by-step.


Looking after your wellbeing

Especially relevant in the times we find ourselves in is a focus on mental health. Such a sharp change in the way we live our life was bound to have a knock-on effect on personal and emotional wellbeing. As well as providing relevant content for professional skills, our e-learning portal aims to ensure a focus on health and wellbeing, and you can find many short videos and courses that set out advice for maintaining a healthy mind and work-life balance. The wellness module is featured on Mind.org.uk and includes videos on dealing with stress, self-awareness, and work-related anxiety. There are tips on remote working and time management to support workers in a multitude of ways.


If working from home is here to stay, then access to material that can engage with personal development and a healthy mind is invaluable. 


To find out more about how our e-learning portal can help your business, call our team on 0333 240 1824 or email us at sales@soconnect.co.uk. Or fill out our web enquiry form here


Stay home and stay safe everyone. 


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