SoConnect Blog

Business-grade connections for remote staff: cut costs and excel in the ‘new normal'

Written by SoConnect Team | Sep 4, 2020 2:00:22 PM

UK businesses have had to adapt enormously since the Covid-19 pandemic hit. Almost overnight, companies had to send their workforce home and establish new remote working protocols. So much about the infrastructure, processes, operations and technologies we previously relied on was forced to change and now looks unlikely to return to 'normal 'anytime soon. Many industries have suffered as their business ground to a halt while everyone remained indoors. Despite the loosening of lockdown restrictions, businesses now face the economic aftermath of the pandemic, described by Chancellor Rishi Sunak as a 'recession like we've never seen'.

This is undoubtedly a challenging time for business leaders, but its not all gloom and doom.

For some, the pandemic has thrown up new opportunities and presented new ways of working that they might have been reluctant to accept if the lockdown had not forced it upon them. Chief Executive of Barclays Bank, Jes Staley, made headlines a few weeks ago by speculating that having thousands of workers in expensive offices may be a thing of the past. The bank is reviewing its' location strategy' long term in the light of its operations during the pandemic. If a Big Five bank like Barclays can see the benefits of embracing remote working for its 70,000 global workforce, why not consider a similar model for your business?

We've all faced the frustrations that go with home-working; worries about security, frozen video conference screens and lack of speedy resolutions to connectivity issues. However, for weeks now, desks have remained empty while teams worked from home, highlighting that it is possible to collaborate closely with colleagues without being in the same location. Rather than looking to return to a centralised future and maintaining expensive offices, let's focus on a new solution: business-grade connectivity for homeworkers.

What many are finding is becoming increasingly clear is that outlay on physical office space might be better spent elsewhere. Empowering home-working through business fibre lines for remote workers is an ideal strategy for UK businesses looking to save money and excel in the new normal. Installing business-grade connections for staff will cut OpEx and remove the common frustrations homeworkers experience with their residential connections. Of course, this is a significant change in mindset, but as our lockdown experience has proved, we can adapt much more quickly than we thought possible. Now is the time to capitalise on the lessons we have learnt during the pandemic.

Investing now will put you ahead of the game in terms of connectivity and cost efficiencies, but let's not forget the reason we were locked down in the first place. While COVID-19 remains an issue, remote working is the best way to protect the health of staff and protect your business against an uncertain future.

Already a number of cities in the UK have had restrictions re-imposed, and it is likely that winter will bring a new wave of challenges. Let's face it; humans are sociable creatures so I can't see the office disappearing altogether but creating a workforce that can operate without one, certainly seems like the future.


For more information on our Home Connectivity for Business packages, contact our expert sales team at or call us on 0333 240 1824